The San Francisco Cable Cars

Categorized in California

Welcome to San Francisco, where cable cars are much more than just a means of transportation – they are living witnesses to the city's tumultuous history.

During our visit to San Francisco in 2018, we naturally went in search of these magnificent cable cars, the iconic trams of the city.

We also took a ride on the cable car from the Powell & Hyde Cable Car Turntable. This key point on the cable car route, a terminus, allows the cars to turn around and head back in the opposite direction, picking up new passengers.

The cable car ride is an amazing experience that not only lets you enjoy this timeless mode of transport, always in perfect working condition, but also allows you to traverse the streets of San Francisco without any effort.

The operating principle of the cable cars is quite unique and well-suited to the city's geology. To climb and descend the steep streets safely, the cable cars are pulled by steel cables running beneath the tracks. The cars have a gripping system that clamps onto the cable to move forward. This principle is very old but also contemporary, as it avoids the emission of pollutants and the need for overhead wires in the streets.

Photos The San Francisco Cable Cars

Photos credits : © Frenchies on Trip. The reproduction is forbidden without authorization.

Where is located The San Francisco Cable Cars ?

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